Sleepin’ on a Nestin mattress changes your perspective about the meaning of a good night’s sleep. The difference between a good and a great mattress is not just about enhanced sleep but a renewed energy you discover to tackle the times of day when you are not sleeping! Our mattresses are great as they ensure sound rest for the body and mind.


Superior material is paramount when it comes to mattresses. Be it comfort, support, pain relief or durability. It is what goes into the mattress that gets the best out of it for you.

Our advanced mattress range bonds differently to you compared to your existing mattress. Nestin manufactures mattresses with the utmost care, and this formula is a guarded secret. Many mattress brands have tried to replicate this with very little success. Unlike other companies, at Nestin we do not cut corners or outsource any production process, nor do we buy the foam from other suppliers. We manage everything ourselves in our own facilities to ensure the best control in the interest of our customers.

Ascertaining the density, quality and quantity of memory foam inside a mattress can be difficult. A cheaper mattress may seem like a bargain, but further investigation will reveal that it may contain only a thin layer or small band of low-quality memory foam. Unfortunately, no one inspects or audits mattresses, and after usage, the mattress quality manifests in aches and pains. Short-term savings often result in expensive medical bills in the long run.

Nestin significantly invests time, money and effort into research and development. The high standards of design, workmanship, testing, innovation and decades of experience ensure the delivery of superior products and services that no other brand can offer.


Nestin mattresses come in a multi-layered construct. The layer combinations differ from one product to the other. Typically, consisting of a base layer, a support layer, and a comfort layer.

The Base Layer

As the name suggests, it is the bottommost layer in the mattress construct. It’s made using sturdy materials to support the additional layers within the mattress and prevent sagging. It provides the mattress durability, consistency and long-term benefit.

The Support Layer

Every great mattress brand should give significant importance to this layer as it is the core layer of a mattress. It provides even weight distribution and supports the sleeper’s spine by keeping it in optimal alignment and maintaining the right balance between heavier and lighter body parts.

The Comfort Layer

This layer determines how the mattress feels as it is the layer closest to the user. It helps in pressure relief and redistribution of body weight. It adds an element of breathability to suit all body and skin types. The thickness of this layer determines the mattress firmness quotient – Soft, medium or firm.


Every mattress brand is talking about its individual USPs, some even talking through their brand ambassadors. But at Nestin, we want our product to do all the talking. Our customers quickly understand the difference no sooner they come in contact with our mattresses, sofas, pillows and other products. Some of the salient qualities are:

Highest Density Latex

Brands seldom communicate the most important factor while choosing a latex mattress – the density of latex being used!

The density of latex refers to the weight of the latex sheet per cubic metre. The higher the density of the latex, the better is mattress quality, back support and durability. Mattresses with densities of 60 to 100 are common in the market, but Nestin uses latex of density 100 and above. Other branded latex mattresses also use a density below 100 to make the mattresses more affordable, which will affect the Read more …

Thicker wires used in making spring structures

It is a general misconception that spring mattresses are not good for everyday use. This presumption stems from the belief that the body sinks into the mattress with uneven pressure and takes that shape based on a bad posture. This is true only with springs made using very thin wires that do not have enough strength to provide you with back support. The other fundamental aspect is the number of springs used per square metre. When this is very low, it results in gaps thus leading to higher support in he areas where there are springs and no support in the areas Read more …

Coir Quality

Nestin manufactures its coir sheets using the best of the Coir fibre qualities available in the market. It has longer fibre lengths with the least coconut pith which means better strength and better support to the back. Fibres are curled before they are used so the mattress gets the qualities and benefits of a spring coil. Nestin uses coir of very high density ranging from 80 to 100 whereas the normal varieties available in the market range from 60 to 85 density. Higher density impacts better back support and durability, which proves to be a better financial and medical investment.


Every mattress brand is talking about its individual USPs, some even talking through their brand ambassadors. But at Nestin, we want our product to do all the talking. Our customers quickly understand the difference no sooner they come in contact with our mattresses, sofas, pillows and other products. Some of the salient qualities are:

Keep Cool with OCS (Open Cell Structure)

PU and memory foam have dense cell structures which retain heat and causes the body to overheat. Nestin materials have an open cell structure which allows good ventilation and keeps the body at a comfortable temperature. Furthermore, an open cell structure ensures pressure is distributed more evenly across the sleeping surface.

Goodbye to aches and pains with PPR (Proven Pressure Relief)

The construction of a Nestin mattress allows for better control and alignment of the spine and joints. It provides proven pressure relief across different sleeping positions, back, belly or side. It sets Nestin apart from competitors. Other mattresses are less effective at alleviating pain and pressure, making us the natural choice.

Sleep undisturbed with RPD (Reduced Partner Disturbance)

Nestin’s materials are of superior quality, especially its memory foam mattress range. Our mattresses are more effective at isolating movement than other mattresses because it absorbs a high rate of partner movement. It’s perfect for couples or sharing, as it will not disturb each other with moving in, on or out of bed, resulting in the most peaceful and fulfilling sleep.


Every customer is actually our partner. And long-term partnerships apply not only to the product but to the brand too! We have been in this business for over 40 years and will continue our patronage with our ‘customer-centric’ approach.

A mattress is a significant investment that should stand the test of time. Our product can go upwards of 12 to 15 years, depending on usage, while other mattresses tend to deteriorate sooner. We have a reputation to preserve and a product range that is a testament to our customers’ trust in us. It makes us the best at what we do. Like most things in life, nothing is perpetual, but once a Nestin customer… always a Nestin customer.

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