Modern lifestyle includes a hectic work life. This is why when Friday comes, all look forward to a relaxed and enjoyable weekend,  almost everyone feels jovial and relaxed anticipating weekend fun.  

But, once the weekend gets over, a feeling of lethargy, annoyance, and exasperation creeps in. This array of mixed emotions generally remains associated with an equally strong desire to stay cocooned under the comforter in your bed.  

The Temptation of Comfort

The moment your watch alarm pears through your slumber on a Monday morning, you instantly remember that it is time to shake off lethargy to join work. But, almost everyone feels the inescapable desire to sink under the comforter, hugging your pillow for a few more minutes. 

Doing so, you will inevitably be late for your work. Especially if you had an eventful and tiring Sunday night, it would be particularly annoying for you to wake up early in the morning to go to the office. 

Fatigue, Lethargy, and a Comfortable Mattress

Fatigue and lethargy hardly leave our side when the time comes to return to work after a long weekend. Weekends are generally fun time. You get to meet your friends, go shopping, watch movies, and even attend parties. 

After a weekend of restless nights and insufficient sleep, Monday mornings often unfold as a daunting battleground against the consequences of our own choices. The gloominess, frustration, and lethargy cling to us like unwelcome shadows as we reluctantly drag ourselves out of bed. In the realm of daydreams, our minds repeatedly drift back to the cozy embrace of our bed, the snuggly comforter, and the huggy pillow, all of which seem to whisper sweet promises of more restful moments. The allure is magnetic, calling for extended companionship and a few more minutes of heavenly slumber. Yet, reality tugs us away, demanding our presence in the world of responsibilities and schedules. As we push ourselves to face the day’s challenges, the longing for those precious moments in bed lingers, making the morning a delicate dance between the desire to escape and the commitment to forge ahead in the day’s demands

Once the Sunday night ends, you abruptly get ready once more to face the harsh reality of regular work life. Leaving the warmth and comfort of the most comfortable mattress to go to work and attend meetings seems to be the most daunting task. 

Mattresses for a Perfect Escapade

The good thing is that you can wage a war against the Monday morning blues and win it. The easiest way to do so would be to buy a comfortable mattress that could get you well-rested over the weekend and allow you to wake up fresh and take in day after day before the next weekend. Additionally, an early Sunday night and restful overnight sleep can work wonders for a bright productive next day.

Choose one of the good mattress brands in India to buy a mattress or bedding accessories. This way you could ensure a sound sleep every night. When you sleep on a mattress that supports your spinal cord and ensures zero partner disturbances, you wake up fresh every morning. 

Beating Monday Blues

While mattresses and your bed might continue to lure you incessantly as the clock hand gradually moves towards Monday, you can anyhow overcome this inescapable pull simply by following a few rules. 

To begin with, you can rest enough over the weekend. This way, by Monday, you will be entirely out of your fatigue and ready for the week ahead. 

Also, you should be mentally ready on Friday and after the weekend, you have to go back to work on Monday. Enjoy as much as you want over the weekend but do not spend sleepless nights or overtire yourself. 

Otherwise, you will find it hard to wake up fresh on Monday morning, and Monday morning blues will certainly set in. 

Try to nurture a positive mindset with a dose of pragmatism as well. Convince yourself about the quid pro quo relationship between work and leisure. One validates the existence of another. 

In short, inarguably, dragging yourself out of the soft comfortable bed on Monday mornings to go to work can be extremely tiring at times. Nestin offers a plethora of premium-quality bed accessories and mattresses that can help you rest well throughout the weekend. To purchase a mattress online, check out Nestin’s diverse collection today.  

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